My Week is not complete unless I read Dan Savages's column. Now those unfamiliar with his wonderfully jacked up Sex Column 'Savage Love' should definitely check it out. There's nothing like reading about weird fetishes or being amazed that he has to explain to someone why they shouldn't use someone else's butt plug. Really? Someone really had to be told that?
The only thing about reading the column is that it's always placed between ads such as these...
You simply can not advertise any bigger that you are indeed reading something smutty and perverted. And let's face it, I am. Yet does that shame me into refraining from reading this until I get home? Nope. I've been inking up my hands in city newspaper call girl sections for years to read good old 'Savage Love'. Dan even has a weekly podcast so now I download him directly onto the pod and rock out to 'Savage Love' during my train ride to work. But there's still something about grabbing the paper and anxiously flipping to the back to look for the column that I love.
My brain now filled with all sorts of perversion, feels a bit smarter, better informed I dare say. So today instead of spreading my skewed version of advice I'm promoting someone else's. I'm sexing you up with Savage. Check it out - thank me later.
Wow. He really likes hookers. I workers. ;)
Cool articles.
I saw an episode (or 2) of Boston Legal that involved a sexual surrogate. She was helping a guy with aspergers syndrome. Neat stuff. And man, what a career choice!
I can't beleive you said butt plugs.
OWO - I saw that episode! Hilarious show.
Jerrod - Sometimes I amaze/horrify myself.
K.I'm hooked.Sorta weirded out that I am, though....
hey from sits!!!
i've never heard of this guy or his column, am i missing out?!?!
i LOVE savage love. i've been obsessed with it since i came to philly in '04 - i even put some of the rather funny ones up on my wall when i was living in the dorms (much to my parents' chagrin).
More in common than we thought. lol. Have you read his books?
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